The Lockdown Diaries of 2020

World is in turmoil and economy is on it's burnt. This is the longest ever voluntary lockdown, that we all are experiencing in our life for the first time. An excessive hype created by news channels, poor infrastructure of our healthcare system and lockdown came out as distress for everyone. The politics of pandemic is continue now, but the world no longer considers COVID19 a serious threat. 

Lockdown drama is a good excuse for government to hide their failures. Economy was never ever badly destabilized at this level. The Covid-19 epidemic has had a major impact on the livelihoods of people across the globe. The unwanted policing system, mindless restrictions to control pandemic, too much of regulatory injections have created an unconducive business environment and killed massive number of jobs across the world. 

Covid19 vaccine is yet to launch, drug gangs may be busy in calculating profit before it's launch but the fact is that the all medical research organizations have admitted their predominant testing is flawed and inconclusive. This is the right time to revolutionize the healthcare industry by educating the massive population who have been blinded by the lie’s of WHO, lobbyists, healthcare czars, pharmaceutical companies, the meat-dairy industries and all the others that profit from killing of our poor population and innocent animals.  

Lockdown has taken away the happiness of majority of population. The mental health of many people has been going down day by day. We need to bring back our life in the most excitement now, trusting ourself 100%. To switch back to a happy life with the frequent use of technology in day to day life, we need vitamin C of love, compassion, respect, and trust in the changed environment. 

Everyone is now taking concern for health and lifestyle. This is right time to stop consuming flesh, pus filled milk and other dairy products from cows and other species. Simply, don't question your innate knowing and end their pain as well as yours. Stop clogging your pipes with saturated fat. Be careful, it may signal your eminent heart attack. Switch to plant based foods and think proper blood flow everywhere in body!

Sudesh K.


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