Chanting: A tool of Spiritual Fitness

Chanting is a more than 3000-year-old Vedic practice that deepens the connection with the source and with those around us. It promotes a feeling of connection to surroundings that includes yourself and others. A powerful sense of oneness occurs during the process of chanting together, a feeling that has been lost in our busy lifestyle, an individualistic approach. If you are unable to chant, play a recorded chanting on your phone or laptop in the background, follow it and meditate on this sound to get similar results.

Here are some FAQs on how to begin.

1) How do I start chanting?  

a) Chanting is for everyone -

You may not have a good voice or you may have an inner critical part that says - you don't have a singing voice. Still, you can chant, so chanting is for everyone. Remember, when you chant, you interact with your surroundings. It can be a natural way of assimilation with your spirituality.

b) Start at home

Start by chanting at home, alone, with a recording. When you feel comfortable start chanting in a group. 


c) Musical instrument / Bluetooth mic. -

You may use musical and electronic devices for a better experience. It's natural to be a little anxious, and excited when starting something new. The cool thing about chanting is that as soon as you start the mantras start working on you. Before you know it you'll feel relaxed, open and energized. 

2) How can I find mantras to chant?  

Chant for exactly what you want. Typically, the best way to find your mantra is to ask yourself what it is you need and then search mantra for it. Let the deficit guide you instead of being a weakness but don't become too attached to one mantra you think is right. It's important to try new mantras on and see how they fit.

3) Which are the main things, I should follow for a better result of chanting?  

Chanting is bound by adherence to 6 rules – 

πŸ”– VarαΉ‡a (pronunciation), 

πŸ”– Svara (chanting notes), 

πŸ”– Mātrā (duration) 

πŸ”– Balam (force), 

πŸ”– Sāma (continuity) and 

πŸ”– Santāna (conjugation, punctuation).

4) How does chanting help to maintain my Spiritual Fitness?

In the modern digital world, it doesn't matter in which culture or religion you were born. We all need to develop a routine for Spiritual Fitness and follow it to see, how our body responds to make it work for us, that is a lot like physical fitness. Not only does it improve our cognitive health, and make us more altruistic, but chanting can help improve our blood pressure and mood, even reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and overall stress.

The study of the relationship between the brain and spiritual practices such as chanting has been given wide attention in modern times. The good thing is that you need not be an adherent to a specific religion to reap the benefits of chanting. It is rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism but still open to everyone regardless of their faith practices like yoga. 

5) How long should I chant for?

When we first start chanting, even 15 minutes can feel quite long. Of course, there are crucial moments in life when we are facing a huge problem or challenging situation and feel that we want to chant more. That’s great. How much you chant is completely up to you; feel free to do what you think feels right.

πŸͺ· Prof. Sudesh Kumar

Spirituality in Action


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