Living crueltyfree so that others can live too

Living cruelty-free makes conscious choices that minimize harm to anyone. It means making decisions, as far as practicable and possible, that avoid the exploitation of humans, animals, and the earth.

Living a more compassionate lifestyle is actually creating a non-traditional template of life lead to minimalism. It can have substantial health benefits by reducing feelings of stress and anxiety and helping keep cortisol levels balanced. There is so much to consider, and every so often, it can become overwhelming. What's important is to keep learning and adapting our habits to reflect what we believe in. Some may argue that — no one can live a completely cruelty-free lifestyle? That doesn't, mean we should stop from doing our best to limit the cruelty we participate in. By changing our habits and making right choices, we can live as cruelty-free as possible within the existing system. 

This is not so hard to accept that, adopting a plant-based vegan lifestyle is the ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth. It lowers your carbon footprint, is more affordable, healthier, and is suitable for everyone at all stages of life. Approximately, 20 years ago, I decided to take up my journey in veganism while attending a NSU meeting in Cambridge. How did I turn vegan may be different from you, but the important thing is that how the seed of change grows in oneself? To start with it, you just need to ask one question to yourself, i.e., Could you consider an animal as someone? If yes, then is it so essential that someone has to die for your choices of food and everyday lifestyle? 

Most of us may be familiar with ongoing wars and infiltration in various parts of the world. Can we accept that—we’re doing the same things with animals that the USA backed Israel and Islamic organizations are accused of? Killing! Killing!! Killing. If you call yourself an animal lover by adopting few animals (dog/cat/cow) but eating few others like chicken/fish/goat etc. in routine manner, then there is a big conflict inside you. In precise, we are at war within ourselves, in result of that large numbers of humans (especially economically vulnerable and least privileged) and non-human animals are forced to sacrifice their lives for us. Just remember, it cannot be our personal choice to take someone’s life.

 Prof. Sudesh Kumar 

— founder @ Vegan Mumbai Foundation 

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