The essence of 'Namste' or 'Namaskar'

In Hindu or Indian culture when we  we say "namaste" it  translates to "the divine in me bows to the divine in you.

Namaste vs. Namaskar?

Namah translates to "salutation," and te translates "to you." Put it together, and namaste translates to "salutation to you."

For namaskar, kaara translates to "doing." Put it together and this translates to "I pay my salutations."

When to use either of one?

Namaskar, which is used when greeting multiple people while namaste is greeting an individual for a personal greeting.

The spiritual meaning of Namste?

When a person greets another with the feeling that "I am paying obeisance to the soul in the other" then a ring of spiritual emotion is created within him/her. Namaste creates vibrations to the one receiving the gesture. Namaste creates a loop of bliss to pass positive energy unto the one receiving the gesture. 

How to make the namaste gesture?

Bring both hands together and center in front of the chest. Make a small motion to bow while saying namaste. Eyes should be straight and no objects should be placed in the hands while gesturing.

Why we need to maintain gap while saying Namste?

The lack of physical contact creates a more positive aura. If contact is made, the chances of passing negativity increase. When a lack of physical contact is made, the chances of contact minimize.

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